I am a photographer who specializes in adventure, travel and lifestyle photography. I live in Ottawa, ON. Canada.
With a background in illustration and graphic design, photography just became a natural progression in my creative path. Photography has become a way of life for me, it feels very strange to not have a camera close by should an opportunity or scene present itself. Equally at ease during a corporate photo-shoot or editorial shoot on a rushing river, I make use of skills that I have developed and learned over a career of 25+ years. My creative background continues to help me see and record the world in my own unique way. Challenges are something that come with the territory, I look forward to solving them and coming out with a fantastic set of images that both the client and I are extremely excited and proud to feature.
Always looking for the next adventure, let me know if I can provide you with my services,
Robert Faubert
165 Glamorgan Drive,
Kanata, ON. Canada K2L1R7