Category Archives: Events
Kite Boarding – Britannia Beach 20231028
Winds were pumping today on the Ottawa river, kite boarders were out in full force to take advantage of these conditions. Nice to see a ton of people back out on the water again, could […]
Britannia Beach – Kite and sailing
Dropped by the beach to check out the winds, only a few kiters as the winds were not ideal. There were however many boats out sailing on the river, better winds further out on the […]
SnowSquall 2023- 20230218
First day of the 2023 FourLines annual kiteboarding competition on the Ottawa river at Britannia. The competition takes place from Feb. 17-March 4 with kiters competing in a variety of classes and events. Winds today […]
Faubert Family Christmas 2022
So great to hang out and enjoy the Christmas celebrations with our family. Hope everyone has a great Christmas holiday!
Happy Birthday Melanie!
Happy 40th Birthday to my sister inlaw Melanie. Enjoy the next 40 they only get better!
Crazy Horse trail – March Road
Took a wander around the Crazy Horse trail with Geoff and Amie this morning, nice to have a Saturday that was not rainy. Nice walk with a loop around a pond, good for about 6kms […]
Wet afternoon wander
The rain finally let up this afternoon and I was able to go out for a short hike around the Old Quarry trails near our home. The overcast and wet conditions made for some great […]
Evening visit with family
Headed out to have a nice visit with the Faubert’s out near Carleton Place. My nephew and his son were visiting my brother so we dropped by for some activities and loads of good laughs.